Our plan is to expand these three medical clinics into big medical centers to provide multiple health services to these specific locations of Nansana, Yesu-Amala and Bbakka villages.


1. Setting up medical centers to help communities access quality medical care
Strong Tower Foundation has set up three walk in clinics in order to provide quality health services to the community. The vision is to expand these medical clinics into big medical centers to provide multiple health services to these specific locations of Nansana, Yesu-Amala and Bbakka villages.
What services do we offer at the clinics?
• Immunization
• General patient care and consultation
• Minor surgeries
• Antenatal care
• Bed rest for patients on injectable drugs
• Home nursing care
• Family planning
• A few laboratory services
• Rehabilitation

Expansion of each medical clinic will enable us construct a standard laboratory, maternity ward where mothers can have a safe environment for delivery and admission wards for all other patients.
Join us in this campaign to help communities access quality medical services for God’s glory. Your generous support will change the quality of life in these communities.

2. Medical outreaches
It is through partnership with volunteers that we are able to have medical outreach camps and we are able to reach hundreds of people suffering with various illnesses, its then that those who can’t access a doctor will be able to meet one and get the right treatment. It is through these medical camps that referrals are made for some to have the right diagnosis by carrying out further investigations. Many lives have been saved as those who are not able to access medical care, are able to get one for free.
Health sensitization are done and more awareness is created for preventable illnesses. Psycho-social support is given to those who need it. It’s always an opportune moment to pray for the sick
What are some of the medical outreaches that we are able to carry out;
• General patient outreach camps
• Oral and dental hygiene camps
• School health outreaches
• Reproductive health camps  


Strong Tower Foundation is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in Uganda

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